Vodafone business

Vodafone B2B's digital transformation

In my role as an interim Senior UX/Product Designer, I was part of a cohesive team that included a Product Owner, Proposition Manager, Marketing Program Manager, Content & Communications Manager, and a Content Producer. While we worked closely on various projects, I also collaborated with multiple development teams to bring our visions to life, addressing each project's unique challenges and objectives.

In my role as an interim Senior UX/Product Designer, I was part of a cohesive team that included a Product Owner, Proposition Manager, Marketing Program Manager, Content & Communications Manager, and a Content Producer. While we worked closely on various projects, I also collaborated with multiple development teams to bring our visions to life, addressing each project's unique challenges and objectives.

In my role as an interim Senior UX/Product Designer, I was part of a cohesive team that included a Product Owner, Proposition Manager, Marketing Program Manager, Content & Communications Manager, and a Content Producer. While we worked closely on various projects, I also collaborated with multiple development teams to bring our visions to life, addressing each project's unique challenges and objectives.


The foundation of any successful project is thorough research. I coordinated with 61 stakeholders, interviewed 22 of them multiple times, and conducted discussions with 34 clients. Additionally, I undertook 8 usability studies, analyzed 32 Mouseflow recordings for A/B testing, and delved into 14 benchmarks and 25 online research articles to gain a comprehensive understanding of the user needs and market dynamics.


The foundation of any successful project is thorough research. I coordinated with 61 stakeholders, interviewed 22 of them multiple times, and conducted discussions with 34 clients. Additionally, I undertook 8 usability studies, analyzed 32 Mouseflow recordings for A/B testing, and delved into 14 benchmarks and 25 online research articles to gain a comprehensive understanding of the user needs and market dynamics.


The foundation of any successful project is thorough research. I coordinated with 61 stakeholders, interviewed 22 of them multiple times, and conducted discussions with 34 clients. Additionally, I undertook 8 usability studies, analyzed 32 Mouseflow recordings for A/B testing, and delved into 14 benchmarks and 25 online research articles to gain a comprehensive understanding of the user needs and market dynamics.

Ideation & Design phase is where creativity meets strategy. For the V-Hub, insights from interviews and research from Vodafone Group (UK) informed the content architecture and initial wireframes. In the case of the Holistic View, the ideation phase involved workshops and high-level customer journey mapping based on wireframes. For the Business Scan, I sketched various concepts, aiming for a personalized user journey.

Ideation & Design phase is where creativity meets strategy. For the V-Hub, insights from interviews and research from Vodafone Group (UK) informed the content architecture and initial wireframes. In the case of the Holistic View, the ideation phase involved workshops and high-level customer journey mapping based on wireframes. For the Business Scan, I sketched various concepts, aiming for a personalized user journey.

Ideation & Design phase is where creativity meets strategy. For the V-Hub, insights from interviews and research from Vodafone Group (UK) informed the content architecture and initial wireframes. In the case of the Holistic View, the ideation phase involved workshops and high-level customer journey mapping based on wireframes. For the Business Scan, I sketched various concepts, aiming for a personalized user journey.

Business Scan

The Business Scan aimed to provide companies with insights into suitable ICT solutions in just a few minutes. When I joined the team, the project was already in its ideation phase. I quickly familiarized myself with prior research and conducted benchmark studies to understand the market and potential solutions. The initial concept was to offer a personalized journey, using company and location data to ask tailored questions. However, due to development constraints, we had to simplify the process, offering fixed questions to all users. Post-launch, we realized the importance of relevant questions for users. A/B testing and usability tests, which were initially skipped, were later conducted, revealing the need for a more personalized approach. This led to the design of a new prototype, incorporating a conversational UI and aligning with the Holistic View's vision.


V-Hub was envisioned as a knowledge center for entrepreneurs. During its learning phase, we interviewed eight individuals to understand knowledge-sharing needs and also incorporated research results from Vodafone Group (UK). These insights informed the content architecture and initial wireframes. As the project progressed, I developed small interactions for the prototype phase, ensuring smooth collaboration with the external development team. Given that Vodafone lacked a design system in Figma, I initiated one. For V-Hub, I meticulously designed both basic and new components within this system, ensuring consistency and scalability.

Holistic View

The Holistic View project began not as a conventional project but as a series of discussions with various IT personnel within Vodafone. My technical expertise meant I played a pivotal role from the outset, assisting the Product Owner and later spearheading further research with a dedicated sub-team. We engaged with a myriad of stakeholders, from customer service representatives to product developers. This extensive dialogue informed the creation of a comprehensive overview, detailing tools, departments, processes, and touchpoints. Through workshops, we outlined the preconditions during the ideation phase and crafted high-level customer journey maps based on wireframes. These wireframes and the Holistic View itself were presented to stakeholders in multiple sessions, refining them based on feedback. Ultimately, they became foundational blueprints for Vodafone's future digital strategies.

Conclusion & Reflection

After 1 year and 8 months, the projects yielded significant insights and results. The V-Hub emerged as a knowledge center for entrepreneurs, while the Holistic View provided a vision for future omnichannel sales user journeys. The Business Scan, despite its challenges, highlighted the importance of user-centric design and the potential of personalization in enhancing user experience.

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